The company

A.K. Botanical all Natural is an online store selling products. (Medicinal Herbs and Organic Beauty Products), which belongs to the company A.K Botanical all Natural, Andreas Koufteros with its registered office at 29 METEORON Str., TAKT-EL-KALE, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus with registration number EE 55732 and with VAT No. 0518142U. The visitor/user of the website is prompted to carefully read these terms of use and to use the pages / services of Botanical all Natural only if they fully accept them. With the entry of the visitor/user to this website, it is assumed that he has taken note of the terms and conditions and accepts these terms and waives any claim that may arise from his visit to Botanical All Natural.

Intellectual property rights.

The content of the “Botanical all Natural” web page, including images, graphics, photographs, designs and products are the intellectual property of Botanical all Natural and are protected by the relevant provisions of Cypriot and European law as well as by international conventions.

It is prohibited to collect or use any logos or graphics, catalogs, photographic material, product descriptions or prices, any indirect use of the online store and its contents, for the benefit of another business or commercial Company without the express written consent of the company.

The logos of the companies, as well as the logos of Botanical all Natural are exclusive trademarks and distinctive features and are protected by Cyprus regulations and international laws on trademarks, industrial and intellectual property. The license and rights to use them remain with the companies.


During your visit to the Botanical all Natural page, you may be asked to provide your personal information and address, product shipping address, etc.

These details entered during your registration as a customer are used exclusively by the Company for the execution of your orders.

Persons who do not maintain a cooperative relationship with our company do not have access to them under any circumstances.

Third Party Websites and Links.

This Website may contain links or references to other websites belonging to third parties, the control of which does not belong to our company.

Similarly, access to our Website can also be achieved through links that you will find on the Websites of third parties which are beyond the control of our company.

Our Company does not guarantee or make any promise for the accuracy, up-to-datedness or completeness of the information contained in these web pages and bears no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the content of the information contained therein.

Any reference to a third-party website via a link found on our company’s Website does not in any case mean that our company unreservedly approves or recommends the third-party content or websites.

Non-Confidential Information.

With the exception of any terms and conditions set forth in the privacy policy, any communication or other material you send to us over the Internet or addressed to the company’s website by e-mail or otherwise. Such as questions, comments, suggestions and related, our company will treat them as non-confidential, while it has no commitment regarding this information.

Product returns

Product returns charged by Botanical all Natural.

The customer has the right to return the products purchased from this online store at a charge to Botanical all Natural in the following cases.

  1. If wrong products were sold due to Botanical all Natural’s fault (error in receiving the order, invoicing, shipping, etc.) in this case the customer may either not accept to receive the product from the beginning or request its return. The products that are returned must be in perfect condition, sealed, complete and without any wear. The packaging of the product must be the one that normally accompanies the product and must be in excellent condition.
  2. If due to the fault of Botanical all Natural, products of poor quality were sold (damaged during transport, with poor packaging, etc.). In this case, the customer must not accept the receipt of the product and contact this online store.
  3. In case the customer accepts to receive the product, Botanical all Natural will not accept any return and therefore will not make a replacement. In addition, if the customer does not return the product, then a new product will not be sent to him and the customer will have to make new orders/purchases. The product must be returned in the condition it was delivered.

Product returns at the customer’s expense.

The customer reserves the right to return the products purchased, free of charge and without an obligation to announce a reason whether a customer wishes to return products within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt.

In this case, he is charged with the direct cost of returning the products. Returns will only be accepted if the products that the customer wishes to return are in the exact same condition in which they were received, i.e. without having been unsealed or tampered with. The customer must fill in and send to Botanical all Natural the relevant withdrawal form that will be found on this website within the above deadline.

In the event of a return of the products, the refund corresponding to the products ordered by the customer will be completed within 15 days from the date the company receives the returned products. The refund can also be made by crediting the customer’s bank account, which he will notify Botanical all Natural in time and in writing. Otherwise, the customer can choose to credit the amount to his account for future purchases.


In any case of product return, the customer is obliged to deliver intact and in excellent condition

Status of the products and all documents accompanying the product (e.g. marketing material).

Product descriptions

The company tries to be as accurate as possible regarding the characteristics of the products displayed on Botanical all Natural, however the company is not responsible in the event that the characteristics or other content related to products sold through Botanical all Natural are inaccurate or incomplete, not up-to-date or in general with errors. Also, all the prices mentioned are with the legal VAT except where stated otherwise.


All prices listed in Botanical all Natural are retail prices with VAT included.

The Company reserves the right to offer a lower price than the one indicated in cases of bulk orders, for which the interested parties will be informed individually either through its pages or via e-mail.

In any case, the final cost of each order will result from the burden of the total value of the products after shipping or other costs (e.g. packaging, security costs, etc. if they exist) for which you will be informed immediately and in detail before placing of each order.

By completing the process of placing each order, you automatically declare that you unconditionally accept your charge with the final amount that has resulted. An order is considered completed only when it is confirmed through the Botanical all Natural pages or by sending an e-mail.

The price charged to the customer is the one in effect at the time of the order.

The Company reserves the right to modify the prices of its products, however any such modification will not affect the already shipped orders that have been accepted by the Company.

In any case, Botanical all Natural reserves the right not to execute one or more orders, in which case it will return the amount that may have been collected.

Payment methods

The Company provides users with the payment methods that are stated in the corresponding article on this page.

You can pay with Cash on Delivery or by Debit or Credit card

Product shipping

The products are sent to the postal address that has been declared by the customer in the delivery details when submitting his/her order.

The Company cooperates with courier service AKIS EXPRESS and Γενική Ταχυδρομική (General Post) in order to ensure the safe and fast shipment of the products.

Our Company makes every effort to ship the products to its customers within the indicated time.

In case of delay for any reason, the Company does not take any responsibility.

Approximate delivery times

  • Cyprus: 4-6 days
  • Greece: 6-8 days

Product availability

The products featured in Botanical all Natural are largely ready to ship. For products that may not be available, you will be informed by us of their possible availability date.

Discounts and offers.

In the period of sales, discounts on product/ categories and discount coupons, the biggest discount always applies, except in the cases indicated otherwise.


The present terms of use, the use of Botanical all Natural as well as transactions through it, are governed by Cypriot law, any term deemed invalid or voidable, this invalidity will not affect the validity of the other terms.

The Company may at any time modify any or all of the conditions of use contained herein and users shall be deemed to have been notified and bound by the changes from the moment they appear on the company’s website.

The Company reserves the right to modify or delete website material at any time at its sole discretion.