- Food Supplements
- Arthritis
- Insomnia
- Hair Loss
- For better memory
- For menopause
- For prostate health
- For athletes
- Cognitive function
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Stomach disturbances
- Migraine
- Cardiovascular function
- Cold – Pneumonia
- Infections
- Fungal infections
- Osteoporosis
- Personal Care – Aromatotherapy
- Sexual health
- Superfood
- Sleep
- Cholesterol
- Psoriasis
- Personal Care – Aromatotherapy
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Athlete’s foot / Onychomycosis gel
18,00 € incl. VAT
Natural Treatment for Onychomycosis and athletes’ foot
Category: Personal Care - Aromatotherapy
- Onychomycosis is an infection of the nails due to fungi. It is more often found in athletes, people suffering from diabetes mellitus or angiopathy. This makes the nails thick, brittle and changes the color to yellowish or dark.
- Treatment is feasible but time consuming.
- Results can occur within 2 months. Avoid places with excessive humidity or elevated temperature.
- Change shoes and socks frequently.
- Do not walk barefoot in common areas that are in contact with humidity such as swimming pools, beaches and gym locker rooms.
- A synergy of essential oils against onychomycosis such as teiodendron-oregano-thyme – cinnamon – cloves – lavender – rosemary and mercene. Incorporated in Alois jelli advocate to cure us from onychomycosis.
- Dosage: Smear 2 times a day (morning evening) on clean legs. Be careful to always wear clean socks.
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